One-Day Exposure Visit to RARS: Empowering Pepper Farmers

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On August 23, 2024, MSSRF’s Community Agrobiodiversity Centre in Wayanad organized a one-day farmer-scientist interaction and exposure visit to the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) – Centre of Excellence in Wayanad. The event was part of the LIC HFL CSR-supported project. The primary goal of the program was to educate pepper-cultivating farmers about cultivation techniques.

Thirty-five farmers from Padichira and Noolpuzha villages participated in the event. During the visit, farmers had the opportunity to learn about innovative agricultural methods and interact with agricultural experts, providing valuable insights into enhancing crop yields and sustainability.

The technical session was led by Ms. Farsana S., Agricultural Officer, RARS – Centre of Excellence, Wayanad. Her presentation focused on the management of pepper diseases and the innovative approach of Precision Polyhous farming. During the interaction, the farmers engaged in a productive dialogue, raising several questions about crop production and protection, contributing to enhancing the participants’ understanding of modern farming practices.