KSCSTE-Grant-in-Aid institution

Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) has recognized the Community Agrobiodiversity Centre of M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation as one of the Grant-in-Aid institutions. The support was extended mainly to strengthen the agrobiodiversity initiatives of the Centre across Kerala state. This includes research and extension services for building models on the conservation and sustainable utilization of agro-bioresources of the State. The support for the Centre has confined under five different heads of accounts that are Community Agrobiodiversity, Wild Biodiversity, Climate Action towards adaptation, Sustainable Village Development and Community Knowledge & Skill development [Read More..]
Member Organization of the International Partnership for Satoyama Initiative

CAbC was the first member organization from India to join the International Partnership for Satoyama Initiative, a programme jointly launched by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) at the 10th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in October 2010. The Centre also serves as a member of the IPSI Steering Committee since 2012. As a member organization of the IPSI, the Centre is committed to promote Satoyama Initiative goals and activities in India. The major contribution of the Centre towards this direction is capacity development of the multi stake holders involved in the protection and vitalization of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes of the Wayanad region of India.
Member Organization of IUCN

In 2013, MSSRF joined IUCN as a member organization with CAbC and the Biju Patnaik Centre for Medicinal Plants- two of its major regional Centres as the representative units of the organization. By this recognition, the Centre became an active partner in the world’s oldest and largest environmental Network.
Member Garden of BGCI

M S S B G is the member garden of the Botanic Garden Conservation International since 2006 as a Community Biodiversity Garden. It is to make available seed materials of the “lost crops and species” of the plant genetic resources like jack and mango, roots and tubers, legumes, medicinal plants, and the diminishing NWFPs of the region to the local communities, particularly farmers and the indigenous tribe families. The Garden is also to serve as an educational facility for the children, youth, teachers and parents to know more about the native flora and learn the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Lead Garden for RET Plant Species of MoEF
In 2010, the CAbC Garden received recognition as the Lead Garden for RET plants of Western Ghats by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt of India. The RET conservatory has 250 sufficiently grown-up individuals of 112 tree species which include several RED data book species, medicinal species, wild ebonies, Gum, Oil and Timber yielding trees.
Best Green Institution Award 2008-09 from the State Biodiversity Board
The Centre’s achievement in conservation and documentation of RET plant species was recognized by the Kerala State Biodiversity Board. The recognition was for conserving over 2000 plant species both ex-situ and in -situ with several endemic and threatened plant species in the Garden
Social Development Award – 2017 from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
The M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) has won the social development award – 2017 instituted by the Department of Biotechnology under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology. The organisation was selected for the award for the execution of a host of programmes and projects in 10 villages in Wayanad since 1997, which has now spread to more than 80 villages benefiting more than 2,200 families.