Skill Vigyan Programme Concluded

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The DBT-supported ‘Skill Vigyan Programme’ has completed its first phase with 300 hours at the Community Agrobiodiversity Centre of M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. The programme started on 22nd of July to August 22nd with seventy two participants across the state and the programme was residential.

Three courses were simultaneously taken up and the names of the courses are Plant Tissue Culture, Mushroom Production and Organic Farming under the section of Technician Training Programme. The course followed the module of the Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI). The programme was conducted under the supervision of the Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and Kerala Biotechnology Commission (KBC).

The programme included theoretical and practical sessions as well; however, thrust was given to more practical sessions. Students were taken to laboratories of MSSRF and provide detailed hands-on techniques in Mushroom production, Tissue Culture techniques and in the production of microorganism based bio pesticides and fertilizers. In addition to that, the students were taken to innovative and best farmers within the district to interact and learn from them. In addition to that, experts from various other fields interact with students to get an overall picture of the importance of novel technologies and improve the scientific temper