Mainstreaming Agro-biodiversity In Changing Climatic Conditions and Pandemic Situations: Wayanad Seed Fest 2022

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M S Swaminathan Research Foundation – Community Agrobiodiversity Centre (CAbC), Wayanad, Kerala is pleased to announce the “Wayanad Seed Fest 2022” to be held from March, 18-19th 2022 at the centre. Seed fest or Vittutsava has been jointly organized by CAbC, Wayanad Tribal Development Action Council (WTDAC), SEED CARE and local self-governance since its inception in the year 2014.

This year MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Wayanad Tribal Development Action Council (WTDAC) and SEEDCARE with the support of NABARD, KSCSTE and DST are jointly trying to network with the local self-governments and other stakeholders to ensure agrobiodiversity conservation at local level. The event is a special programme aimed at networking the community with local self-governance and other like-minded organisations and individuals towards the conservation of agrobiodiversity. Main theme of the seed fest this year is focused on “Mainstreaming Agrobiodiversity In Changing Climatic Conditions and Pandemic Situations”. In light of the ever-growing climate change and post-pandemic era, it is essential to look back and realize the potential and importance of our native agrobiodiversity and this year’s Seed Fest is majorly aimed at our traditional crop diversity. The event will involve an exhibition of agrobiodiversity by custodian farmers, prominent discussions among the farming community and experts and also cultural programmes to conclude the event as a full-fledged one. The programme shall be graced by eminent delegates and community representatives across Wayanad. Wayanad Seed Fest 2022 is an exclusive event that will act as a medium to generate awareness on agrobiodiversity conservation among the general public. The event will also help in the promotion of traditional crop diversity by facilitating seed exchange among the farming community. The centre welcomes all the like-minded organisations, institutions and individuals to be a part of this special event and work together in achieving a sustainable future ahead.

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