“Where there is a will, there is a way”
An innovative idea is the currency of the world where we live today and three budding young trainees at MSSRF CABC have proven this. A research proposal submitted by the trainees of MSSRF-CABC cleared the state-level evaluation of YIP (Young Innovators program) and was selected as one among the 97 entries from the state.
The research proposal titled ‘Assessment of phenological changes of selected trees and changes in ecosystem services with response to Climate Change at Wayanad’ formulated by Mr. Kuriakose Junior, Mr. Harikrishnan.K.S and Mr. Deepak.K, is selected as one among the innovative ideas at state level.

Young Innovators Program under KDISC (Kerala Development and Innovative Strategic Council) aims to empower future innovators to innovate new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs of the society more effectively through an innovative challenge. MSSRF-CABC is a technical lead institute in the program.
The team under the guidance of Dr. Shakeela submitted the proposal from Wayanad district. The research proposed to assess climate change using the phenological characters of rare and endangered tree species grown in Wayanad.
The idea selected from Wayanad district underwent various levels of training stages that included design thinking and research methodology. The team submitted all the reports and assignments as per the requirement of the YIP selection team and attended two levels of interview by an expert panel from YIP. After the evaluation, the team was selected as one among the 97 entries across all over Kerala.
Considering the importance of climate change assessment and its importance in the syllabus of the current and future generation, the study was approved under the theme agriculture and allied sciences with Entomology being the micro theme.
MSSRF CABC will be guiding the study as the lead technical institute.