CAbC’s sincere efforts spanning across two decades in Wayanad have helped to promote sustainable management of many “Farmers’ varieties” and traditional germplasm in PGRs like Rice, Roots and Tubers, Banana, Cucurbits, Citrus and Beans. The Centre has collected field level information about 400 such taxa, mostly cultivars and in some cases distinct species that are getting conserved at on-farm in many interior locations where farmers have land holdings. Information on these varieties has been compiled under a 20-20 frame based on the use profile with 20 categories of plants, each embracing 20 different taxa. A
survey on traditional rice varieties was initiated in the rice grown parts of Kerala, during the first phase of the community agrobiodiversity programme of CAbC in 1997-2000.

Research on Wild Edible Resources and their Management

The Centre’s action research on wild and traditional food value species and associated management practices of the local community of Wayanad district stands unique in ensuring nutritional security especially in the diets of the tribal communities. Research in the year 2002-2005 was undertaken in a participatory mode to access information on the traditional knowledge on wild edible resources, the gender dimensions of its management and present scenario in livelihood activities.